Nikolay Rogalev, Rector of MPEI, took part in the session of the Economics Issues Committee in frames of the CIS Economics Council.

On the 22nd of March a planned session of the Economics Issues Committee within the CIS Economics Council was held. It has been led by the co-chairman of the Committee, plenipotentiary representative of Russia, Vladimir Vorobyev.

The session was attended by the plenipotentiary representatives of the CIS States, employees of some intergovernmental and international departments of CIS and its administration departments. Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee, Executive Secretary of CIS, Sergey Ivanov was also involved in the discussion.

A number of issues of the Integral Cooperation in Economics were on the agenda. In particular, the key points were projects of the Cooperation Concept of the CIS upon the high-technological power engineering equipment production development and its basic realization Plan. Rector of National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” Nikolay Rogalev made a report on the Concept and the Plan taking into account that MPEI is a basic organization of CIS for training and education of power engineering specialists. The report was prepared by MPEI in collaboration with the Executive Committee of CIS, approved by the Committee on Economics Issues and presented to the Economics Council of CIS.

During the session of the Committee, Mr. Vorobyev reported of the decision of the Economics Council of CIS on the 2nd of March 2018 to award the CIS Grant for the achievements in the domain of product and service quality to MPEI, and after congratulated the institute.

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